Just a quick post...
So SAD is Seasonal Affected Disorder that people get when it's all wintery outside and dark and they get depressed. Well, I'm not depressed in the slightest, I promise. I was just telling Hayley that I don't love going to work before the sun comes up--or just as it is rising--and coming home after it goes down--or just as it's setting.
I like snow. As much as a person who doesn't ski or snowboard can like the snow. I just don't like driving in it. What I do like is that the break room in my workplace has a whole wall of windows, so I sit right next to the window to soak up as much natural light as I can. Luckily the wall of windows is on the South side of the building, so the sun shines right in. I openly voice my opinion of how dumb I think it is to close the blinds in that room if they're closed when I get there. Hopefully THAT nonsense will stop.
So, while I'm not dreading winter or anything--and I'm actually looking forward to seeing a little snow--I just wish the winter could come and still have normal amounts of daylight. That's all. I'm not mopey or sad about it or anything. In fact, there's one particular day in winter--January, specifically--that I'm REALLY looking forward to. :)
books read in 2015
9 years ago
new years? holly's birthday? martin luther king day? i'm so confused. ;)
you're not mopey. just a little pissy about darkness. my problem with winter is that i always want to go to bed when it gets dark & that's sometimes before dinner. ha.
i love you.
You are so sweet. I had no idea you were so excited about my birthday!!
I thought that you were excited for my birthday.
Awww, excited for the 1st anniversary already! So cute.
I think I've got a touch of the SAD crap too. I think I need the sun. Severely. No wonder I was so unhappy in Canada!
I know what it is. It's January 7th, 1982, right? That's what I thought. GAW, you're the man, even if you are SAD.
That made me SOL ("smile out loud," to the lay person). I can totally picture you ever so subtly saying how nonsensical it is to close those blinds. You're a keeper.
Garrett!! Erin gave me the link to your blog. Love it! Hope you don't mind. :) I agree about the short days thing. It's the one thing I hate about winter!! I agree with your wife, it makes me want to go to bed earlier!
Yup, definitely agree on the less light thing. Can I just say here though that I have been missing snow so much this year??
You would not like Hawaii very much! IN THE SUMMER, it gets dark at 7pm! In the "winter" it gets dark at 6pm. So much for enjoying all those beaches if you're working full time!
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