- 0:03 -- you can see and hear him do this little mouth grunty noise he makes when he's hungry. I can't even mimic the sound
- 0:15 and 1:35 -- he claps with toys in his hands
- 0:31 -- he sorta does his "woah!"
- 0:44 -- he does a fake cough
- 0:47 -- he lets out a loud "aaahhhhhh"
- 1:42 -- he gets so excited, he has to smile big, kick his feet, and bounce
- 1:50 -- he gives a better "woah! woah!"
- 2:06 -- his dad says "oh, goodness" in baby talk for the billionth time
- 2:16 -- he gives a little more concerned "woah!"
Yeah... I know I'm a dork, but I just love everything about this kid!