Well, the tradition lives on. I even get on scary movie kicks now and then (and I'm usually disappointed, as in the case of "Darkness Falls"), and I still like getting scared at haunted houses or corn mazes. I even Like to dress up now and again. Las year I was a ketchup bottle, and it freakin' rocked, as you can see below.

But this year, the creativity is not coming and I have no costume as of yet. Here's the dilemma: I have three co-workers that want to do something together, so we're trying to come up with a themed costume idea so we can all dress up. We've thought of being characters from NBC's The Office (I would probably be Kevin), characters from the Dukes of Hazard (I would probably be Boss Hog), the Publisher's Clearinghouse Prize Patrol, or characters from the board game Clue (an idea that I really love, but wasn't received with as much enthusiasm as I hoped). The thing is, I want it to be something I can still use for parties and other times when a costume may be in order.
So here is where I beg for help from all of you. What should I be? Any group Halloween costume ideas? I may even take a really good single costume idea at this point, since my group isn't being as cooperative as I hoped. I even made some "labels for this post," hoping that any stragglers browsing blogs might find this post and give me an idea or two. So what do you all think??
I LOVE HALLOWEEN TOO...and you and your co workers could maybe do the Scooby-doo gang. I was Daphnie one year, that was fun. If you're wanting JUSt the three of you though, what about the 3 Musketeers (only dress up maybe as the candy bar??!?!?!?)
That Ichabod Crane movie always freaked me out! The Headless Horseman guy?? < shiver > But then, I'm not one for scary stuff. Give me a good chick flick any day. :)
I'm afraid I don't have any ideas off the top of my head, but I would suggest browsing the costume rental shop at Hale Centre Theatre. They have tons of great stuff, and something might inspire you. And if not, it's fun at any rate to try stuff on. Bring a group - two of my coworkers and I went last week and had a blast!
The three musketeers might be fun except that there's 4 of us (three coworkers plus me). But I'll see how the scooby doo gang goes over with them! Any other suggestions?
i already gave you my suggestions (which don't seem to be much of a hit with your coworkers). I just wanted to say that I *heart* the ketchup bottle...that is fantastic!
maybe you can be a part of my group costume...it's going to be a winner!
Christy, what did you decide on for your group costume? Because I don't think I'd make a very good flapper...
It's great, garrett. Trust me.
My suggestions are stick people (dress in black and use glow sticks sewn on in the shape of a stick figure), crayons, parts of a computer (the monitor, the keyboard, etc), parts of anything, really. There's always the common alergies. :) That's always my favorite.
How about characters from Alice in Wonderland? The Cheshire Cat or the hookah-smoking caterpillar would be fabulous.
I would like to give myself some credit in the ketchup costume...I did assist quite a bit with that costume making event! :)
Caron, how funny you suggest stick people. I totally thought I came up with that idea myself...wear all white and use black electrical tape for the "stick" parts. That is totally my plan for this year, unless of course I find some good attire for a rocker chick with my super short hair being dyed hot pink and sticking straight out everywhere.
As for you my friend Garrett, I really have no idea. Last year when we came up with the ketchup bottle, it was due to looking around in a costume shop and then coming up with a cheap way to make what we saw so that might be a good place to start. I would even suggest surfing online for such ideas.
Let's just say I owe my group costume inspiration to the fabulous St. Patrick's Day parade.
And if we do common allergies this year, I call dibbs on a peanut! LOL!
Or what about the wizard of oz?
ooo ooo I think the wiz of oz was a good idea for 4.
I always love the random objects costumes (like the ketchup bottle). I don't really like costumes of other people because they never turn out quite perfectly.
Maybe you coudl go as office supplies? stapler...tape...Scissors...what else? Not sure how you would pull that off....
paper clip? or one of those black binder clips?
So Garrett, are you going to tell everyone about the revelation you had last night, as far as who you should be for Halloween? :)
Ok, I think this needs a little setting up before I dive right in... Well, as some of you may know, I have a Wii. I'm not super in to video games, but I think the ones where lots of people can play are fun. On the Wii, my favorite game is probably Mario Party 8. Well, I ALWAYS pick Wario as my character, and sorta think I look like him, so then it hit me at the party at my place last night... I'M GONNA BE WARIO! If the rest of my work buddies don't want to be Super Mario characters, big deal, I'm still going to be Wario. Now, I need a bright yellow shirt and hat, some purple overalls, and some green shoes... Anyone know where I can get these items?
Ok, so anyone still reading this, I'm having second thoughts about being Wario. Seems that when I mention him, no one knows who he is, so it would be anticlimactic to dress up as him for Halloween. So I still need more ideas! Maybe I'll be Mario?
Mario is so cliche though... People might not know Wario's name, but maybe they would recognize the costume when they see it??
You can Google "halloween costume ideas" - there seem like there might be some useful links.
Or how about a Happy Tree Friend?
i just got my costume! i'm so excited about it! i just love halloween!
Garrett, I must admit that I thought Wario was a great idea although a lot of people wouldn't recognize him. I think the transition to Mario was great. I personally don't think that Mario is cliche or unoriginal. I think it would almost be like a blast from the past....unless the Wii has made Mario more popular recently than I know of. So...what I'm saying is I like the Mario idea. It fits you. It's recognizable and fun.
By the way, You'll have to tell me about this wii game....we have a wii but only have the wii sports game (which is fun), Tiger Woods Golf (not my thing), and Madden 07 (football). I don't think those other two games are fun at all but Brooks loves them. So I thought maybe I'd like this game you're talking about...
enlighten me.
Oh, Bon, you are totally missing out! Maybe rent it first to see if you like it, but I freakin' love the game! It's called Mario Party 8, and it's kinda like a board game. You roll (or punch) a die every turn, there's candy that gives you special abilities before rolling, and at the end of each turn, you play a little mini-game that uses the remote in a ton of different ways. You do anything from shake cans of soda or lasso barrels, to racing cars or shooting targets. It's really great. There are also other ways to play, but the battle royal is the best.
As for the costume, I'm still torn. I really want to be Wario, and last year, despite the big, capital letters on my front, some people thought I was a crayon. So maybe a little explaination of Wario wouldn't be so bad. I just have to figure out if I'm willing to wear bright purple overalls with the risk that people won't know what I'm wearing them for... but Mario won't be hard, either. And I could use my red t-shirt from last year's ketchup bottle...
Someone else's comment about being a "happy tree friend" made me think that maybe you should be Bob Ross! Your hair is long enough that if you fro it straight in the air and carry around painting supplies. I still think Wario's a great idea though. If I were bumming around with you on halloween I'd totally dress up as the princess (peach) and carry an umbrella.
I like the bob ross idea. You would have to explain yourself, but when they get it it will be so completely hilarious!
I think I would need to have a painting easel as part of my costume if I went as Bob Ross... but I've decided (finaly) on being Wario. The office friends decided that they were ok with dressing up as other Mario characters, so we are going to have Princess Peach, Mario, Luigi, and Wario with the chances there might be a Toad. I'm pretty excited!
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