Friday, July 23, 2010

All the internet has to offer

I've done something like this once before. but with the lovely world of RSS feeds, I can make wasting time on the internet even easier for myself! The below mentioned are websites that I check out via google reader. You don't have to do the same, but I think they're fun. All of them may or may not have naughty language, so if you have kids in the room, review the sites before sharing.
  • Fail Blog - some of these aren't so funny, but it's fun to have something in your reader. Lots of crazy people out there, I tell you what.
  • PostSecret - updated every Sunday morning. You should really check it out.
  • Found Cameras and Orphan Pictures - Not updated often, but if someone loses a camera, memory card, or photos, they can send a couple pictures to this blog, and maybe even reunite them with their owner.
  • Passive-Aggressive (and Just Plain Offensive) Notes - featuring all sorts of roommate squabbles, lived out through post-its on the fridge. And other things.
  • Stuff White People Like - this one hasn't been updated in quite some time. But it's funny little quips about the most stereotypical white culture.
  • Boy On A Stick And Slither - Awesome web comic. One of my favorites. Hasn't been updated since March. There used to be one like every couple days. Makes me sad.
  • Best of Craigslist - a recent find. Sorta funny. Not updated frequently. I might stop reading this one.
  • Lamebook - makes all sorts of fun of facebook. Updated frequently. Like multiple times every day.
  • Toothpaste For Dinner - Web comic. Poorly drawn (on purpose), satirical, with the option to buy T-shirts. Updated daily (or at least week daily...).
  • There, I Fixed It - redneck repairs. Including turning one of those super old exercise bikes into an elliptical machine made of 2x4s. Awesome.
  • Words to Shoot By - not so much funny as interesting. Photographers are given a word, and they take three photos based on the word. My friend, Robin, participates and is why I subscribe. One day, I hope to actually take decent photos. Not photographer quality, mind you, but just decent. Not back-lit or blurry.
  • Awkward Family Photos - ...doesn't really need an explanation.
  • - a web comic that uses stick figures. It's awesome "a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language" is the subtitle. One of the best parts of this web comic is the alt tag text. Leave your mouse on the image, and read the text that comes up. It really adds to the humor of the comic.
So there ya go. That's what I'm doing when I'm not reading all ya'll's blogs. What do you read on the interwebs a'la RSS feed?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Quick tip No. 7

If you are in customer service in India, China, or some place NOT in the United States, don't pretend your name is "John" or "Sally" when it's really Habib, or Anaoulaivika.

Seriously. I was chatting with the Comcast service rep online today, and this is a copy & paste of what she said to me: "Garrett, do you have other phone that maybe replace to the phone that is not having such no dialtone?"

Right. And you expect me to belive your name is Regina?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Baby's first hic-ups!

So today, Hayley stopped me dead in my tracks and said, "I think the baby has hic-ups..." I stopped and watched her belly, and sure enough, you could even SEE the little rhythmic bumps he was making! It made me just want to squeeze him!

In addition to that, I wanted to share some videos. If you don't watch all of them, I won't feel bad. It may not be as cool to you as it is to me. But these videos are from the ultrasound when we found out that Mikey was a boy. Way back in February April, yes, but oh well. They're also not the greatest videos, but you can still see what's going on.

This first one shows his little profile. In the real video, you can see better that the little roundish spot above his head is his little fist.

This one shows his face, heart rate, and some measurements of his head.

This one shows his boy bits. It's at about 30 seconds that they make their debut... seems kinda weird that I'm telling you where to go to see that, but there it is... The video also shows some measurements of his legs and stuff, including another profile shot with ribs and spine.

And finally, just some last looks at the little guy. This one is only like 30 seconds long.

 And that's our baby boy! Can't wait to see him in real life!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Hayley's actual words to me this morning:

"For the record, I don't think your poops are super stinky..."

And those are words from a pregnant girl who can smell rain coming a day before anyone else, and can smell the neighbor's burned caserole. Just sayin'. :)