Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mmmm, carrots

Mikey got his first taste of carrots last night. I never thought of carrots having a strong flavor, but when all you ever eat is milk with the occasional super mushed up rice, I guess the flavor might be strong. :) Check out 0:45, 0:55, 1:16, and 1:59 for some really great faces.

Also, if you haven't checked out our youtube channel in a while, you really should. There are some great videos of Mikey there. (click here in case you're looking at this in a reader and can't click the button to the right)


Hayley said...

oh, i love him.

Beth said...

love those shocked expressions! i cant believe he's eating big food!

Bonny said...

Once he got used to them, carrots were Asher's favorite. He got to the point where he'd down an entire jar in less than two minutes.

garrett said...

That's awesome, Bon! We tried making carrots ourselves (and by we, I mean Hayley did all the work). While he made faces, it didn't seem to stop him from eating! We mix it in his cereal now, mostly. :)

tiburon said...

Awwww what a cutie he is. There should be five more of him. At least.

Katey said...

He is so freaking adorable! That's all I ever say but I mean it :)