This week has been quite… cruddy. Starting with Friday last week, I started getting sick. I came to work Monday thinking I was on the mend, but I was getting worse. Then that night my compy crashed. I still need to take it somewhere. I’m trying to decide if I just want to get a new one and get rid of the crashed one. Maybe a lappy? I’ve gotten really used to the dual screen at worky, so maybe I’ll be an uber-nerd and do the dual screen set up at home. What do you think? (and I’ll stop adding –y to words. Really, compy, lappy, and worky are the only words I do that to.)
So Tuesday, I ate some nachos and a filling came out of my tooth. I think the dentist must have done a crappy job and the cavity kept growing behind the filling until if fell out. This was an abscess, not a cavity. Some would even say it was ginormous. I later had a drink of very cold orange juice (because I’m sick, right?), and nearly died. It hurt for like 5 minutes after Luckily, Christy and Matt were there to laugh at my misfortune and discomfort. Hooray for good friends, huh?
Wednesday, I went to work for a couple hours, then went to a new dentist. I told them about my ability to metabolize Novocain quickly (is that an ability or a curse?), and that the last time I had the nitrous oxide, it didn’t do anything. So they numbed me up pretty good, then gave me the gas. The nurse came in and asked me something, and I realized my legs were tingly and laughed at her. When I finally calmed down and told her, “No.” I was giggling again. I felt so stupid. I just couldn’t control myself. The dentist came in and asked me if I had grown up in Salt Lake, and a laughed so hard, I spit on him. I apologized so much, but I kept laughing because it was so stinkin’ funny. Then I started to get tired, and couldn’t hear what they would ask, so they had to ask twice, and I’d laugh again. We finally found an acceptable level, and I had my tooth fixed and watched Star Wars Episode I. Then went home and consumed far too much ibuprofen.
Thursday (today) I woke up and couldn’t open my eyes, they had crusted over. It was pretty sick. So I went to work for a couple hours, found a doctor, and now I have a prescription. Don’t worry, it’s not pink eye, just a little infected. Gross.
So I’m staying home from work Friday. I’m still sick, my eyes are red and bloodshot, and I have no computer. I don’t want to see what will happen next. I may stay in bed all day long. Oh, and the movie from new years will have to wait, seeing as it’s on my crashed compy… You lucked out, Emma…
books read in 2015
9 years ago
all I'm saying is get a Mac. Best decision you will ever make.
First of all, I am really sorry to hear of all your misfortunes this week, and I hope you feel better REALLY soon. And second of all, when you drank that juice that was the funniest thing ever.
Garrett, I'm sorry to hear of your misfortunes. But that was a hilarious post!!
And I hope you feel better. It's times like this when you just need your mom. Maybe you can go to Christy's and use her punching bag.
HAHAA.... I'm really sorry Garrett, but your description of you in the dentist chair made me forget about all the truly pitiful parts of your story and now I can stop giggling myself. Teehee...
Ha Ha
Thanks for being able to laugh at yourself, and consequently making the rest of us laugh too. :) Sorry to hear about your week though!
Totally go for a lappy. I've had mine for over a year now and have never looked back. And don't you love the dual-screen setup?? I'm the type that always has like twenty different windows open at once, so it's perfect for me. Hooray for uber-nerds!
Even though I got the dentist story in person from you, reading it again just made it twenty times funnier. I couldn't stop laughing! Sorry you've had a cruddy week dude. I hope this next week finds you lots better! Just be grateful you have a voice!! :)
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